Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sensitive or Simply Pathetic?

Why is it that there are people who are very sensitive to everything? They’re like a papaya that even just a small cut on the skin, all the juices will come out like a dripping faucet. I know that we should consider their feelings but at least they should understand that they’re not the only person living in this world. They should, in any case, adjust their selves to the society they’re into or to anyone who surrounds them. They can’t always have what they want or demand to anyone how they are supposed to react or communicate towards them. The situation should not always be like that. I myself, I’m not fond of adjusting to someone who can’t even adjust themselves in return. It’s simply pathetic! It is ought to be a two-way relationship, a matter of give and take.

I confess I am also a thin-skinned guy, even so, I know when to show it and how to handle it. You know, you’ll be a loser if you let your sensitivity devour you. Sometimes, no not just sometimes, but all the time… it is a factor of misunderstanding. If you let it show incessantly, people will think that you’re weak, indecisive, in state of denial, hesitant and cannot stand on your own. Others will see you as a loser, not a team-player and will eventually isolate you from the group since they will always look after on how you feel and on how you react to things. They will even watch over on how you respond to their jokes, small and petty naughty talks and even to their body language.

In my own points of view, having this kind of behavior does not bring any good to us. It will always confer us difficulties to face the things we need to deal. We must strong. We have to own it, deal with it and we have got to learn on how conquer it. If you do so, life will be as happy as it can it be.

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