Monday, July 19, 2010

How To Heal A Broken Heart

I read this from an article saying that there are many ways and means on how to heal a broken heart. I know that it’s not that simple and easy. It will definitely take some time and efforts to cure someone’s heartaches. It is really hard to deal with the pain that is sometimes unbearable. These steps will show you on how you can mend and feel better even if it hurts to get there.

1. Start a diary or journal. Based on experience, writing a diary or a journal does help. It is good for your privacy and when noone’s there to listen, you can write and express your feelings through writing. In your journal, you can create your own world and when you’re lost you can always find your way home.

2. Find someone in your life that you can depend on or share feelings with like your Mom and Dad, your bestfriend, or even your dog or cat. It can be comforting if you have someone to share your loads especially if they have been through the same situation and can relate to your problems.

3. Make yourself busy all the time. Do things that makes you feel good and find a hobby or hobbies that keeps you occupied. By keeping yourself busy at all times, it will give you a bigger chance to forget your problems.

4. Be physically fit and comfortable. Keep a healthy diet and make an exercise plan for your self.

5. If steps 1 to 4 does not work and you’re still brokenhearted… it’s ok. Mending a broken heart takes time. Just always remember that you’re not alone. Lots of people have been there and done that. Don’t isolate yourself from the rest, even sometimes it feels like it’s the only way on how to handle it.

6. Know that you can overcome this heartache and the rest of your life is not going to be like this. It helps to make a list of everything you love about yourself or your life and read it when you get really discouraged.

7. If you’re life is shattered and your heart is still broken… there’s always someone who can fix it. All you need to do is kneel down, close your eyes and pray whole-heartedly. HE’s always been there for you and me. GOD never allows us to be in pain. Be faithful and entrust everything to HIM.

I just hope that I’ve imparted something meaningful today.

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