Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I considered myself to be a lucky bastard for having good friends. Some say that I’m too friendly that whenever you leave me alone in a strange land or to a new place, I can make friends just in an hour or two. I don’t know but it’s my innate idiosyncrasy to be friendly to everybody. Occasionally people misunderstood me coz they thought that maybe I’m just being friendly with them coz I want something from them, which is absolutely not true! When I want you to be my friend, then I’m damn serious to be your friend. I’m not a fair-weather type who plays the friendship card coz I need something neither from you nor to anybody else.

Right now, I can attests that those people whom I’ve known recently were really true from the core. I just met them last May of this year and eventhough we’ve known each other for just a short period of time, I can always feel this sense of ease everytime I’m with them. We’ve already been gone to several places together, even shared our ups and downs and those were, without a doubt, a fun-filled memories with them.

If one of our friends is in dire need, everyone in the group will always be there ready to help. I realized that these people, even sometimes they don’t have enough with them, they will still stick to you and will never leave you alone coz they believe that they’ve already put their trust in you so no matter what happens, noone will be left out. We’ll fall as friends and we’ll all stand as friends.

I am too damn proud to say that I feel right to belong in this group. A group of trustworthy and amazing people, sharing one thought and sharing a true friendship.

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