Monday, September 27, 2010

To My Beloved Uncle

I don’t have anything in mind yet… but I know that by and by… an idea will just pop out and I can create another story for my blog site. I’m fond of blogging whenever I have a free time. It helps me know and express myself and let my brain practice for awhile as well. I’m not really good in technical writing but at least I’m trying… I know it’s hard but I don’t wanna give up. I know that a time will come that I’ll be good in doing this craft.

(After a few minutes)

I went to the CR inside the clinic to take a leak, and after, I had a little chat with the office nurse (Ate Lina). She told me that her co-nurse’s uncle passed away due to a lung cancer. T’was really a sad story, and suddenly, I remember my uncle who also passed away due to a colon cancer. His death anniversary was just last month, August.

Seeing them suffer because of the pain brought by this sickness is really, really hard to bare. I’ve seen my uncle (younger brother of my mom, +Uncle Doy) living like this before. He can barely breathe, peeing blood instead of urine, a very, very hard cough and a swollen body. I was crying everytime I see him like that… I prayed and asked GOD to take away all the pains he had. It also came to a point that I questioned GOD, “Why him? He’s been good and followed everything YOU asked him to do. He did lotsa good things for his family, brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces and even to his friends.” I know that it’s not right to question GOD’s capabilities and I knew from the start, that this is a part of HIS big plan for my uncle. Everything happened for a reason and GOD only gives GOOD reasons.

Everyone in the family seems to be devastated at that moment because of a great loss of a good father, husband, brother, uncle, cousin, nephew and a friend. My Uncle Doy is one of the best! He was the one who helped everyone in the family to work abroad… because of his help, my dad was able to work in Brunei for several years (a decade maybe?) and I was able to live an abundant and happy life. I can’t thank him enough for what he did to our family. His goodness and memories will be treasured forever. We love and miss you, Uncle Doy!

As of now, his 3 kids are still going to school. I made a promise to myself that whenever they need help, I will be there for them, no matter what!

Thank you Uncle Doy! Thank you for everything!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I watched the season 2 premiere of GLEE last Wednesday. I was a bit surprised that Charice was the first "celebrity" guest to appear in the pilot episode of the latest season. She's playing the character of Sunshine Corazon (t'was believed that the character was inspired by the late Pres. Corazon Aquino), a filipino exchange-student who wants to join the glee club. She showed them what a true filipino can do. I may be biased-sounding but she can belt out more than Rachel can do. She sang a good version of Listen (Beyonce's song in Dream Girls) and Telephone (duet with Rachel inside the CR). I am not a Charice fan, but I give my applause to this girl. I thought she's gonna be a part of the Glee Club under Mr. Schuester but due to the selfishness of Rachel Berry, Sunshine joined the rival team instead which is the, New Directionals.

Well, I guess... let's just find out what will happen soon. Another must-watch TV series on my list. I'll try to observe and follow the progress of her role on her first ever international tv show.

Goodluck to you Charice! Make all Filipinos proud!

End Of The Line???

It has been a while that I wasn't able to update my blog. I'm quite busy for the past 2 months, work, personal life, work and work again. LOL. Well... lotsa things happened lately... with my work, social life, at home, relatives and even with friends, both outside and inside the office.

Lemme start with… my sister went here last July to enroll for her nursing licensure review. Unfortunately, she didn't make it on time. She just had her vacation here instead and after almost 2 months, she decided to go back in Bacolod coz she might be able to enroll there.

Secondly, my nephew went here just this month to look for a work. He quit school coz his dad lost his job and they can no longer send them to school. After staying here for almost a month now, his auntie from the states called and told him that she’ll help him with his schooling. So now, he will go back to the province to continue his schooling again, hopefully this coming second semester. His mom sent him some money just last day for his plane ticket but unfortunately… what a misfortune for this kid… according to him, he was held up last night on his way back home in Pasig. All of his money was taken but he was able to keep his cellphone by just simply hiding it inside his brief. I was a bit skeptical about his story so I just give him a benefit of a doubt. I’ll try to find out later whether he is telling the truth or not.

Then, after more than a year of working with him, my colleague (Carlo) will be resigning (YES he is!!!), and his last day of duty will be tonight (September 24, 2010). He was given a good opportunity outside and I believed he was offered twice of what he's getting here right now... in short a greener pasture for him. Well, I'm happy for him (seriously) coz the man needs a much higher paying job coz he has a kid and a wife. Nonetheless, we will remain as good friends eventhough we will not be working together anymore. I'll just wish him "GOODLUCK" and "GOD bless"!

Lastly, I just can't believe with what's going on right now... it's much better not to say it here... there are things better left unknown to others.

My apologies for the last statement, I have noone to trust here right now. I don’t want anybody to hear me rant of what I’m feeling right now. I just hope that anyone who can read this will understand of what I’m talking about… sometimes, it’s better to be left alone than to be with somebody else who doesn’t care about you.